Different Ways to Use Coconut Oil Outside the Kitchen

Different Ways to Use Coconut Oil Outside the Kitchen

Because of its versatility, coconut oil is becoming a favourite cooking oil in many Indian households. It can be used for a variety of purposes other than cooking.
The oil is made from the meat of a ripe dried coconut and has lots of good qualities that make it useful for many daily activities.

To make sure the coconut oil keeps all its nutrients and antioxidants and gives the most benefits, Conscious Food makes their coconut oil in a special way. They use a process called cold-pressing, which doesn't involve much heat and keeps the oil organic. In this manner, you may make the most of coconut oil and utilise it for purposes other than cooking.

Gyros Farm, a company that makes stone and wood cold-pressed oil, has shared five ways you can use their coconut oil to get all its benefits. You can use it in the kitchen or even outside for various purposes.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconuts that grow on coconut palm trees are used to make coconut oil. Copra oil and virgin coconut oil are the two primary varieties of coconut oil. While they have similar types of fat, virgin coconut oil has more nutrients like vitamin E and special compounds called polyphenols, which have antioxidants that are good for you.

Coconut oil can be a component of a balanced diet because it contains several elements that are beneficial to your health. It contains essential fatty acids that your body requires and could help with metabolism, hair and skin health, and cognitive function.

Several medical disorders may be helped by the characteristics of coconut oil.

1. Coconut Oil for Skincare

Coconut Oil for Skincare

1.1 Moisturizer for Face and Body

coconut oil is a fantastic natural moisturizer that can hydrate your skin. It absorbs easily and makes your skin soft and smooth. Simply take a tiny amount and gently massage it onto your face or body to use it as a moisturizer. It works great for skin that is dry or easily irritated.

Coconut oil is frequently used as a moisturiser, but it's crucial to apply it properly. While it can help keep your skin hydrated by sealing in moisture, dermatologist Dr recommends not replacing your regular moisturizer with coconut oil. Instead, they suggests using it as an additional layer over your moisturizer or applying it on damp skin for the best results.

It is essential to comprehend the advantages and restrictions of using coconut oil as a moisturiser. It can aid in treating problems including eczema and dryness, enhance skin suppleness, reduce inflammation, and minimise water loss. It additionally promotes collagen formation and wound healing. However, since every person's skin is unique, it's crucial to identify the strategy that works for you and get guidance from professionals if necessary.

1.2 Makeup Remover

Experts recommend using coconut oil as a makeup remover since it works so well. Not only is it safe to use on your face, but it is also quite effective and good for your skin. Due to its detergent effect, coconut oil is effective as a makeup remover and possesses antibacterial and anti-yeast qualities. To remove makeup with coconut oil, simply warm it in your hands until it liquefies, then gently massage it onto your dry skin, paying attention to heavy eye makeup. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry afterward. Even while coconut oil is well-liked, not all skin types may respond well to it. To avoid unwanted outbreaks, experts advise caution and gradual integration into your skincare routine. Coconut oil shouldn't be used as the only skincare product because it doesn't moisturize the skin or supply enough proteins and lipids to protect the skin barrier.

1.3 Lip Balm

Coconut oil helps moisturize and soften dry lips, making it beneficial for them. Lip balms and other beauty items frequently contain it. But because it can clog pores, if it gets on the area surrounding your lips, it might result in breakouts. But coconut oil can still be useful for keeping your lips moisturized by creating a barrier that locks in moisture and protects them.

2. Hair Care with Coconut Oil

Hair Care with Coconut Oil

2.1 Deep Conditioning Treatment

Coconut oil can do wonders for your hair as a deep conditioning treatment. It moisturizes your hair and repairs damage. To use it, warm a small amount in your hands and apply it to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight for a more intensive treatment. Then wash your hair as usual and enjoy soft and shiny locks.

2.2 Scalp Massage

If your scalp is dry or itchy, coconut oil can provide relief. It fights dandruff and keeps your scalp healthy. Simply massage a little bit of coconut oil onto your scalp. Leave it on your hair for a few hours or overnight, and then wash your hair. Doing this regularly can make your scalp healthier and less dry.

2.3 Frizz Control

Coconut hair oil is great for moisturizing and nourishing your hair. It's especially good for treating frizzy hair because it helps lock in moisture and prevents your hair from getting dry or puffy. Using it regularly can naturally help get rid of frizzy hair.

3. Oral Health Benefits

Coconut oil Oral Health Benefits

3.1 Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is when you swish oil in your mouth to get rid of bacteria and keep your mouth healthy. People have been doing it for a long time in a traditional medicine system called Ayurveda from India. Some studies suggest that oil pulling can kill bacteria in your mouth and help with dental health. It might also reduce bad breath, prevent cavities, and make your gums healthier by reducing inflammation and harmful bacteria. Oil pulling is easy to do. You can use oils like coconut, sesame oil, or olive oil. Just swish the oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, spit it out, and rinse your mouth with water. It's best to do it a few times a week or up to three times a day.

3.2 Natural Toothpaste

You can create your own toothpaste using coconut oil. Coconut oil has unique properties that fight harmful bacteria in your mouth. To make the toothpaste, mix the same amount of coconut oil and baking soda until it becomes a paste. Dip your toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth like you normally do. This homemade toothpaste can make your teeth whiter and maintain a healthy mouth.

4. Natural Remedies with Coconut Oil

cold pressed organic coconut oil

4.1 Soothing Sunburns

Coconut oil can soothe sunburned skin. It has cooling and moisturizing properties that promote healing. Gently apply coconut oil to the affected areas and let it absorb into the skin. It will reduce redness, inflammation, and discomfort from sunburns.

4.2 Relieving Insect Bites

If you have itchy bug bites, coconut oil can bring relief. Just put a little bit on the affected area and gently rub it in. The coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that will help stop the itching and reduce any swelling from the bug bite.

4.3 Nourishing Cuticles

Coconut oil can moisturize and nourish dry and ragged cuticles. Rub a small amount onto your cuticles and massage it in. It will keep your cuticles healthy, promote nail growth, and prevent dryness.

5. Household Uses of Coconut Oil

Uses of Coconut Oil

5.1 Furniture Polish

You can use coconut oil as a natural furniture polish to make wooden surfaces shine. Mix equal parts coconut oil and lemon juice, and apply the mixture to your furniture using a soft cloth. It will moisturize the wood, remove dust, and leave a beautiful, natural shine.

5.2 Leather Conditioner

Keep your leather items in good condition with coconut oil. Apply a small amount to a clean cloth and gently rub it onto your leather shoes, bags, or furniture. Coconut oil will condition the leather, keeping it soft and protected from drying out.

5.3 Rust Prevention

Coconut oil can prevent rust on metal surfaces. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil to metal objects like garden tools or kitchen knives to protect them from moisture and oxidation. It acts as a natural barrier, preventing rust and extending the lifespan of your metal items.


Coconut oil is a multipurpose substance that has numerous uses outside of the kitchen. It has several uses, including skincare, hair care, oral health, and household chores. You can take coconut oil's advantages and adopt a more organic approach to your well-being by including it into your everyday routine.


Q1. Is it okay to use coconut oil on oily skin?

A. Some people use coconut oil on their skin as a cleanser or moisturizer. It might help with acne, but it's not good for those with very oily skin. Coconut oil can clog pores because it's highly comedogenic. This means it may make acne worse for some people instead of improving it.

Q2. Is coconut oil good for all hair types?

A. Coconut oil can be good for all hair types, especially if your hair is dry, damaged, or has been treated with color. However, people with coarse hair textures may find that using coconut oil too often can make their hair feel stiff.

Q3. Can I cook with coconut oil?

Yes, coconut oil is commonly used for cooking and baking. It has a high smoke point and adds a delicious tropical flavor to dishes. It can be a healthier alternative to other cooking oils.

Q4. Where can I buy coconut oil?

A. You can find coconut oil in the baking goods aisle of grocery stores. The specific aisle where coconut oil is located may vary from store to store. If you're looking to buy organic, unrefined, and cold-pressed coconut oil, you can find it on our Gyros Farm website for online purchase.

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